Are you looking for a one-of-a-kind guitar gift for someone who has everything? Limited only by your creativity. Own a replica of your favorite artist’s guitar or your dream guitar! Check out our Custom Shop section and start creating a gift that they will remember forever. We can personalize our miniature guitars with photos, artwork, names/dates and pretty much anything you can dream of. Each guitar starts with a blank piece of wood and an unlimited amount of paint colors and airbrush/silkscreen options.

Our Mickey Mouse Guitar “Getar” project started with a customer wanting a one-of-a-kind replica of a Mickey Mouse Guitar she seen in a museum. She had the photos of the guitar from the museum and sent those over. We started cranking on custom piece and the finished Mickey Guitar is pictured below. Turned out super cool and yet another example of how AXE HEAVEN can create anything! Our artists are very talented and we handcraft with out question the very best miniature guitars in the world.

Mickey Mouse Mini Guitar by Handcrafted AXE HEAVEN
Mickey Mouse Mini Guitar by Handcrafted AXE HEAVEN
Mickey Mouse Mini Guitar by Handcrafted AXE HEAVEN
Mickey Mouse Mini Guitar by Handcrafted AXE HEAVEN
Mickey Mouse Mini Guitar - AXE HEAVEN Guitar Gift Box Included
Mickey Mouse Mini Guitar – AXE HEAVEN Guitar Gift Box Included

Please contact us today to start your special guitar gift project! Rock your passion! Email us at

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